Category Archives: hound

Some follow up on the Pedigree business from yesterday!


Here is some information on a study completed by the Royal Society for Protection of Animals.  English-Bulldog1

An article on inbreeding.

gsd3680Some info on Sringohydromyelia that happens in King Charles Cavalier Spaniels.

Apparently the “ridge” for which the Rhodesian Ridgeback gets it’s name rhodesian_ridgebackposes major health issues, and puppies born without it are immediately culled even if healthy, because they don’t fit the breed profile.  It has been prove that the puppies with the ridge that is so sought after are sickly and prone to pin hole like lesions on their skin which allow infection to get to their spin or brains.  The puppies without the ridge are the more heartier of the breed!

labrador-retrieverWhile I understand that we have to have standards because we can’t have people going of half-assed or half-cocked breeding left, right and centre, but really should the standard, cosmetics and or looks weigh heavier in the show ring than HEALTH!?????  The winner of Crufts in 2003 Yakee a Dangerous Liason a Pekingese was immediately rushed from the winning circle to sit on an ice pack to cool him down because the threat of him overheating from running around the ring under the lights with that fur was imminent!  pekingese4

I can’t say I love my dog more or less for him being the breed he is.  To me he is the opposite of what Cesar Milan tries to tell me.  He is Brody, he is a dog, he is a Yellow Lab….  Cesar wants me to see him as dog, breed, individual.  However I feel that is where we go wrong.  When we don’t see them as individuals they become object, of prestige, power and money and are used at all costs to gain each…..  When we see them as living, breathing creature with beating hearts and searching else who feel pain how can you not stop and think that what we are doing to them in the name of perfecting a breed is WRONG!

So watch out for tomorrow when I start talking about my disdain for breastfeeding Mothers!  ARRRRG!


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Filed under alsation, Angel Animals Network, Animal Communication, Animal Rights, At the end of my Leash, breastfeeding, Brody, Cat, CBC, Cesar Milan, Claudia Hehr, coddling, Cruelty to animals, Crufts, culling, Dog, Dog City, dog owners, Dog Shows, english bull dog, german sheppard dog, gsd, hound, inbreeding, King Charles Cavalier Spaniel, Labrador Retreiver, Marley and Me, Pekingese, Pet Communication, Pet food, PETA, Pets, Professional Mothers, Rhodesian Ridgeback, Royal Society for Protection of Animals, RSPCA, SPCA, sringohydromyelia, The Dog Whisperer, Toronto Humane Society, Uncategorized, Vet, wolves, WSPA,

I am just so sad for Kate Gosselin! Anne Murray and Todd and Copper!

Well I watched on Monday night with baited breath hoping above hope that they would say they were going to work it out, they were going to try.  That he had never given her a chance, that he had not communicated with her for the last five years.  He has sat back and been passive and allowed her to increasingly take control and manage every aspect of everything.  That he was not going to fault her for this when he didn’t play and equal role in their relationship and speak up and tell her that it was not how he wanted to live.  But….  Alas….  No such announcement.  The annoucement was that after 10 years the Gosselins are dissolving their marriage.  He is all smiles and cocky and ready for a new chapter.  She is devistated because she didn’t see it coming.  He never gave her a clue there was a problem until he just wanted out.  I have watched the show since the beginning and remember from the beginning that her greatest fear was that he would leave her with the kids and well, it has come true.  I cried with her on Monday night.  I don’t know how she keeps it together.  I completely understand what she says about allowing herself to have a melt down.  I think she is the strongest person I have seen to be able to keep smiling for her kids!  I don’t care what anyone says about her, she is a good mother.  She loves her kids!  Everything she does is for them.  They have everything they need and some they really don’t but they are all looked after and very lovely.  Now I think they should be left alone to work this out.  Get used to their new lives and show the world that single parenting is possible!  Best wishes Kate! 

toddandcopperreturnforanotheradventureI love the movie The Fox and the Hound!  It is my fave. Disney movie.  I don’t know why but I looked these scenes up the other day and ended up crying!  Hmmmm!  Silly but really the message and the look on their little faces how can you not feel sorry for them?

M~ p15eb05_anne_col_12pI also found these songs by Anne Murray which happen to be two of my faves and well the videos are just slides of animal babies so I love them too! 

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Filed under Anne Murray, Disney, divorce, Dog, fox, hound, Jon & Late Plus Eight, Kate Gosselin, kids, Marriage, Relationship, Sad, The Fox and the Hound, Uncategorized