Category Archives: The Real Housewives of New Jersey

YMCA, 90210, Vampire Diaries, REALLY WONDERFUL news, my life is a little CRAZY right now!

OK!  So I mentioned last week that I was starting my gym régime again!  I joined the YMCA.  So this is the first week and I am doing alright.  Aquafit Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  Then I do the Conditioning Room (nice for I ride the bike for an hour) on Tuesday and Thursday.  I get up, walk Bucky, get ready and GO!  I do my 45 minutes to an hour shower get ready and off to work.  I am actually getting to work an hour earlier than I used to!  Ha!  So tomorrow will mark the first week over.  I did four days!  Tuesday after noon my butt was killing me.  Then Wednesday my shoulders chimed in, however, it seems to have evened out and I am determined to keep going.  Not going to tell you my weight but will tell you next week if I have gone down any.

So the Fall TV season started this week.  90210, Melrose Place, America’s Next Top Model, Vampire Diaries. 

 90210 is the same as it was last year, entertaining but really not relevant.  I was talking to a friend about how different the original was from what is on now and I came to the conclusion that I was the same age as the characters in the original so their concerns were probably my concerns.  She also pointed out that it had an “After School Special” kind of feeling.  This new one is so off from what I live that well it isn’t relevant to me anymore.


Melrose Place was entertaining.  Kind of a murder mystery, mixed with sex, fashion….  I liked seeing Laura Leighton.  (She has always been one of my favourite actors) and Thomas Calabro as Michael.  It was interesting how they have made his son one of the main characters.  Wonder what Ashlee Simpson-Wentz’s character has in common with Sydney for her to take the picture at the end.  I am not sure about this one the verdict is out but I will have to give it another try…. 

melrose place 2009

America’s Next Top Model is ANTM.  I love it, can’t say anything bad about it.  Interesting this season.  All petite models.  Way to go Tyra.  Now maybe she will do an all big, bold and beautiful models show.  Then again, Whitney did win her cycle and she was considered bbb!  Some really funny characters on this season.


Just found out that Ellen DeGeneres is going to be the fourth full-time judge on American Idol when it comes back in January.  I am so happy I love Ellen and I was scared stiff it was going to be Shania Twain, she is only going to be a guest judge which I guess I can live with!

OMG!  The Real Housewives of New Jersey and Atlanta start on Saturday!  I cannot wait!


Tonight Vampire Diaries is on.  I have been so patiently waiting for this.  I am sooooo excited. 


I have the PVR elephant-hearts-clipartset for next week’s line up too!  I love the new TV season!

 Life is CRAZY for me right now, with work, four courses on the go and my YMCA schedule, along with being a Doggie and Kitty Mom and a girlfriend and sister and grand daughter and friend and…..  I am not sure if I am coming or going.

 I did get some REALLY WONDERFUL news on Monday night!  It is a secret right now you will have to stay tuned to find out how that plays out!  I am really happy and can’t wait!

 So off to do some more work on our budgets!  Hopefully I can write a little more regularly but alas can’t promise!

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Filed under 90210, America's Next Top Modle, American Idol, aquafit, Elle DeGeneres, Melrose Place, PVR, Shania Twain, Television, The Real Housewives Franchise, The Real Housewives of Atlanta, The Real Housewives of New Jersey, TV, TV Season, Vampire Diaries, YMCA