Category Archives: 10 Things I Hate About You.

PEOPLE Magazine and Fairwell to the Man in the Mirror! Oh and people there is a Garabage STRIKE!

So today I bought PEOPLE because my fave Kate Gosselin is on the cover, it was the only publication that was not depicting her as a monster or as having a total breakdown.  So I flip through it. 

Page 2 an ad for A NEW ABC FAMILY ORIGINAL SERIES….  10 Things I Hate About You!  Why, why, why, why, why, why?  Do they do this.  The movie is one of my faves why do they have to spoil it.  Why are they remaking Flashdance and Footloose?  WHY!!!!!!!  For a new generation.  NO!  Let them watch our generations…..

Page 6 There is a snip it about a Marquette Michigan man who’s wife passed on hours after giving birth to their son Moses and how 25 women in the town have banded together to either nurse (ahhh that makes me shudder) or pump their breast milk to feed this baby because of the benefits of breast milk.  I am sure that this baby would have been OK if he was given a bottle!  Really this disgusts me!

Skate-gosselin-wedding-dresso then I read the article about Kate Gosselin.  I really am not getting what happened.  They went to Hawaii to renew their vows and now they are getting divorced.  Jon really needs to go to therapy!  He really is having a mid life crisis at 32.  Those kids deserve better!  Marriage is forever! 

So Rachel Griffiths (Sarah on Brothers and Sisters) had a baby….  Don’t really even remember her being pregnant!  So she has an older son get this his name is BANJO!  What the hell….?  So this led me to look up some other crazy celeb baby names!  Bono….  We all know how I feel about Bono…..  His kid is called, Elijah Bob Patricius Guggi Q?  Reeeaaaalllllyyyyy?  Coco, Apple, Trixiebill, Satchel don’t these people like their children?  What happened to Kim, Mary, Jason, Todd? 

Pamela Anderson is 42!  Wow she is gettin’ old! 

Haggen Dazs has a new ice cream falled five.  It is crafted with just five all-natural incredients.

Baby bump!  CRAP I hate that damned saying!  There is no need for it.  Just like a onezie!  IT’S A SLEEPER FOR CHRIST’S SAKE!

Sonic!  Why can’t they come to Canada!  I am going to start a petition.  Well maybe I will just move to Alaska like I decided to anyway to escape this damned heat! 

Did you know that Roma Downey the star of Touched by an Angel is married to Mark Burnett the producer of Survivor?  I sure didn’t.

fashion-femaleSo apparently the full 80’s fashion resurgence is in swing.  Plastic bracelets, lace tops, crocks replacing jellies, short skirts long shirts,  long fake pearls, skinny jeans, neon (ohhhhhhhh nooooooooooo!)  According to PEOPLE’s stylewatch section it is showing no signs of fading.  I should be happy.  I grew up in the 80’s I have done this before.  It took me a long time to get used to not dressing like that, but to tell you the truth it is hard for me to go back.  Hmmm!  I guess I have to face it I am growing up!    80s-clothes-mens

Garbage STRIKE means that no matter how long you leave your rubbish out by the curb there are no special faries that are going to come and get it.  Don’t put it out! 

Gonna close it for now.  So many things to talk about.  However I think the Gloved one, the moonwalker, the Thriller needs to be mentioned.  RIP MJ you were so much to so many!


Filed under 10 Things I Hate About You., 80's, Alaska, Baby bump, Banjo, Bono, breastfeeding, Brothers and Sisters, Canada, Crocks, Fashion, Flashdance, Footloose, garage, Garbage, Haagen Dazs, Jellies, Jon & Late Plus Eight, Kate Gosselin, Lace, Mark Burnette, Marquette Mich, Micheal Jackson, Moses, Neon, Onezie, Pamela Anderson, PEOPLE Magazine, Plastic bracelets, Rachel Griffiths, Roma Downey, Skinny Jeans, Sleeper, Sonic, Strike, summer, Survivor, Touched by an Angel, Uncategorized