Category Archives: Dog Quotes

Dog adopted by soldier in Afghanistan adjusting to new home in Downers Grove

Dog adopted by soldier in Afghanistan adjusting to new home in Downers Grove.

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Filed under Chicago, Chicago Tribune, Dog, Dog Cries when soldier returns home, dog days of summer, dog owners, Dog Quotes, Dog Shows, Dogs,, Puppy, Puppy rescue mission

Next installment of the DDoS! LOL!!!

We’re back for the third installment of Dog Day of Summer.

So yesterday we learned where the saying dog days of summer comes from and it had a lot to do with the fact that Sirius the Dog Star is in the sky.  So here’s what Mr. Sirius looks like and no it ain’t a digital radio.

Next up some Generous Doggies who are fund-raising or helping in any way they can.

Surf Dog Ricochet.  is a “SURFice dog”  LOL!!  She is Pawing it forward while raising funds and awareness for animal and human causes…  She lives her life to help others.  Check her out on Facebook!  She a beauty!

A Dogs Purpose is a wonderful book that everyone should spend some time reading.  It really will really help you to understand Your  dog’s purpose! 

A Dog’s Purpose A Novel for Humans – tells the story of a dog who finds himself reincarnated and decides there must be a reason, a purpose he must fulfill, and until he does so, he’ll continue to be reborn.

Preston Phelps!  He’s a cutie Patootie!  Here’s what he says about himself! 

Quick Bio: This page is in support of the public face of — Preston Peabody . Preston is a purebred — a West Highland Terrier and have three brothers and sisters (cats) — Dr. Pepper, Mr. Pibb, and Ashes.  Likes: Eating, chewing chewies, riding an a car, and chasing cats  Pet-Peeves: being flipped on his back and having his nails cut
Favorite Toy:  All of them! He loves to play! But right now He love his orange bone his grandparents gave me.  Favorite Food: anything moist and doggie ice cream from Lics  Favorite Walk: hiking the trails at a local park  Best Tricks: I can read and play dead 🙂  My Motto: Girls love me and cats fear me!

Here’s sneak peek! 

Toby’s Legacy Toby’s Mama is trying to bring awareness to doggie illnesses….

This is a page dedicated to our beloved Toby who left this earth way too early. Please come join Buster, Pearl and our extended family as we go through the ups and downs of everyday life.

This is Toby and his brother Buster and sister Pearl who are helping their Mama keep Toby’s Memory Alive.

Pets for Patriots

Pets for Patriots is a nationally operating charity connecting homeless, at-risk pets with U.S. veterans, and arranging access to ongoing, reduced cost pet care.
Company Overview
Pets for Patriots, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization connecting adult and other at-risk shelter pets with service and veteran members of the United States military.Through partnering veterinarians, we provide access to ongoing, reduced cost veterinary care and we provide direct financial assistance to help veterans more easily afford pet food, supplies, toys and other basics.Our goal is to make the joys of pet ownership achievable and affordable for the men and women of the U.S. military, to the benefit of both pet and person.

To consistently give the gifts of fidelity, joy and companionship to both pet and person.
info at petsforpatriots dot org

Another video from Gus Cochran!  I LOVE this guy!

My Friend Phoebe the CyberCrime Dog asked me to pass this on to everyone!  Working to Halt Online Abuse Kids-Teen Division

So here is my dog toy of the day… 


That’s right…  Empty PEPSI bottle of Timmy’s cup cheep entertainment for hours!  LOL!

Dog Quote of the DAY!

Of all the things I miss from veterinary practice, puppy breath is one of the most fond memories!

Dr. Tom Cat

Just one more thing to leave you with…  A Wacky-Dog picture.

OK Bye!  Have a great day!

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Filed under A Dog's Purpose, Bull Dog, Dog, Dog City, Dog Cries when soldier returns home, dog days of summer, Dog Fighting, dog first aid, dog owners, Dog Quotes, Dog Shows, Dog taken from owner, Dog Town, Dogs,, Gus, Gus Cochran, PEPSI, Pets for Patriots, Preston Phelps, Preston Speaks, Sirius, Surf Dog Ricochet, TheMrsCochran, Tim Horton's, Toby's Legacy, Toy, Uncategorized, Wacky-Dog

Another Dog days of Summer Post!

So here we go.  What actually are the “dog day’s of summer?”

Dog Days” (Latin: diēs caniculārēs) are the hottest, most sultry days of summer. In the northern hemisphere, they usually fall between early July and early September. In the southern hemisphere they are usually between January and early March. The actual dates vary greatly from region to region, depending on latitude and climate. Dog Days can also define a time period or event that is very hot or stagnant, or marked by dull lack of progress. The name comes from the ancient belief that Sirius, also called the Dog Star, in close proximity to the sun was responsible for the hot weather. 

Why do dogs get blamed for everything…?

So here is The Unexpected Pit Bull their Facebook pages say this about them

THE UNEXPECTED PIT BULL is a not-for-profit organization. We create, market, and sell merchandise celebrating “pit bull” dogs, then donate 100% of our net profits to similarly committed charities across North America.

HOW TO ADOPT: If you’d like to adopt a “pit bull” dog, please don’t go through a breeder. There are numerous “pit bull” dog rescue organizations — certainly one near you — that would be happy to pair you with a brand-new canine companion . Need help finding a rescue organization? We suggest searching via PETFINDER.COM!
HOW TO DONATE: Soon, you’ll be able to do something unexpected… but oh so n…ecessary… and even more appreciated: make a donation to THE UNEXPECTED PIT BULL online! Launching later this year, our online donation feature will enable you to gift us with any amount you wish — even a dollar. Which is great, because every dollar helps. And because every dollar of net revenue goes directly to “pit bull” dog rescue, placement, advocacy, and educational organizations. Meanwhile, if you’d like to donate, please contact us via The Unexpected Pit Bull
Here’s one of their lovelies and I just want to let you know you can buy t-shirts  and calendars here I have a shirt and wear it proudly to the gym.


Next check out Chopper the Biker Dog he just wants to make a difference in the world.  This is Chopper with his BFF Spike Taylor (see last post for word on Spike-a-roo!) after Choppers 2nd b-day bash!  Allll plum tuckered out!


Here’s the treat of the day!  No Grainers!   When you have a boy who is allergic and who’s allergy manifests in otitis you find the stuff that doesn’t contain the grain!  LOL!!!  AND I’m a poet!

Now what about a little laugh!  Dog commercials….

Well since there is officially still a month or more of summer how about some summer reading material about what what…?  DOGS!

Saving Cinnamon was the incredible story of love of a soldier for a dog, and the love of a sister for her brother…  What would you do if you were called to war leaving your family behind…  The only comfort you have is a wild puppy that made you smile everyday…  You go to great lengths to arrange for her to come back to your home…  You pay someone to bring her and that trusted person leaves her alone in an airport 11267.99 kms or 7001.60mils away?  Would you go to the lengths that these people did.  I LOVE this book and read it in two days at the cottage.

Next Until Tuesday.  Oh Lord why has it taken the Armed forces so long to realize that the best thing you can do for a soldier with PTSD is WHAT?  COME ON!  You know the answer….  Anyone who has lived with one will attest….  A DOG!  This is

A deeply moving story of sacrifice and restoration.  Years from now when critics the canon of Iraq literature, look for Until Tuesday to make everyone’s short list — Andrew J Bacevich, Author of Washington Rules: America’s Path to Permanent War.

This little game might be fun for some of you it’s called Mutt Maker.  You can creat a mutt by piecing together parts from different dog breeds, it names your new breed based on the dogs you piece together.  As well you can get a certificate for your new breed and enter your god (no really I typed that…  a little Freudian slip I really meant dog) in Best in Show competitions.

Anyway!  It’s the end of the day and it’s time for me to split, see yas later!  Leaving you with a pic of my love!  Bucky, Booger, Doggie, BRODY!  This is his “MAAAAMMMMM!  I just poo’d and I’m zooming towards ya!” pic!  LOL!!!  Night all!



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Filed under Brody, Chopper the Bike Dog, Dog, Dog City, Dog Cries when soldier returns home, dog days of summer, Dog Fighting, dog first aid, dog owners, Dog Quotes, Dog Shows, Dog taken from owner, Dog Town, Dogs,, Freudian Slip, Mutt Maker, No Grainers, otitis, PTSD, Saving Cinnamon, Uncategorized, Unexpected Pitbull, Until Tuesday


by Robin Menard on Saturday, February 5, 2011 at 12:40pm


 Her eyes met mine as she walked down the corridor peering apprehensively into the kennels. I felt her need instantly and knew I had to help her. I wagged my tail, not too exuberantly, so she wouldn’t be afraid. As she stopped at my kennel I blocked her view from a little accident I had in the back of my cage. I didn’t want her to know that I hadn’t been walked today. Sometimes the shelter keepers get too busy and I didn’t want her to think poorly of them.

 As she read my kennel card I hoped that she wouldn’t feel sad about my past. I only have the future to look forward to and want to make a difference in someone’s life. She got down on her knees and made little kissy sounds at me. I shoved my shoulder and side of my head up against the bars to comfort her. Gentle fingertips caressed my neck; she was desperate for companionship. A tear fell down her cheek and I raised my paw to assure her that all would be well.

 Soon my kennel door opened and her smile was so bright that I instantly jumped into her arms. I would promise to keep her safe. I would promise to always be by her side. I would promise to do everything I could to see that radiant smile and sparkle in her eyes. I was so fortunate that she came down my corridor. So many more are out there who haven’t walked the corridors. So many more to be saved. At least I could save one.

 I rescued a human today.

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Filed under Dog, Dog Fighting, dog first aid, dog owners, Dog Quotes, Dog Shows, Dog Town, Dogs

Preston Speaks – A Blog From a Westie’s Point of View — Review & Giveaway!

Through a Dog\’s Eyes — Review and Giveaway!

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Filed under Dog, dog first aid, dog owners, Dog Quotes, Dog Shows, Dogs, Preston Speaks, Westie

Life with Dogs Blog — Reblog Day!

                   Life with Dogs Blog – Pets Sentient Beings? Or Mere Chattle! 


Life with Dogs Blog — Pets Sentient Beings Part 2                       



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Filed under Chattel, Dog, Dog City, dog first aid, dog owners, Dog Quotes, Dog Shows, Dog Town, Dogs, Sentient

Campaign To Bring Smiley Home Continues

Campaign To Bring Smiley Home Continues.

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Filed under Dog, Dog Cries when soldier returns home, dog owners, Dog Quotes, Dogs, Puppy, Puppy rescue mission

The Rainbow Bridge! Do you Belive…..?

This was posted on the Toby’s Legacy page on Facebook!  It’s something that will make you go Hmmmm….  Just had to share it.  If you are able to check out their page and check out this contest and vote for Toby by giving his picture the thumbs up!

The majority of pet owners are aware of the poem titled The Rainbow Bridge. Does everyone believe in this magical place? My thoughts on that is that there are three groups of people: the ones who believe with every ounce of their being that such a wonderful place exists; the ones who do not believe at all , and the third group are the people who just aren’t sure…they want to believe that there is such a place, but have their doubts. This is our story…from doubters to believers. Our story sadly begins on January 23rd, 2011 when we had to say goodbye to Tigger our 12 year-old German Shepherd Mix. His health had been declining, but we were stunned to hear that his organs were shutting down. Reality came knocking…we had to say goodbye. We decided to have Tigger cremated because laying him to rest whole was not an option in the middle of January. It took a week to receive his ashes. During that week, Toby waited for his faithful companion, and waited, and waited some more. He would either be laying out in our yard and staring at the road, or would be looking out the window waiting for Tigger to return. On the 8th day, we finally brought Tigger home. I brought the dogs over to Tigger and we formed a circle around him. They finally understood that Tigger was at The Rainbow Bridge and he was fine. Toby took over Tigger’s duties as the leader of the pack and would have made Tigger proud. Fast forward to May 27th, 2012 when my world came crashing down around me. I received the news that my baby bear had a very large inoperable brain tumor.

I can’t even describe how I felt….the pain, the anger, and the regret for a future that wasn’t going to include my Toby. I was simply devastated. After moping around the house and crying for a few days, I decided to cut through the fog and celebrate Toby’s life for the remaining days he had with us. I spoke to him everyday and asked if he could stay with us until his 7th birthday on June 15th. Every morning I’d say “one more day, baby more day”. Toby fought valiantly and made it to his 7th birthday and beyond. But on June 22nd it was apparent that it was time to say goodbye. Surrounded by his pack, and in his favorite spot in the backyard we said our goodbyes…Toby slipped peacefully away. We wrapped Toby in a blanket so that we could step away to get his final resting place ready. His Dad and Pearl went to finish that task, while Buster and I stayed with Toby. Buster laid down next to Toby and watched over him until it was time. As Paul walked by me, he sadly said to me that he really hoped that The Rainbow Bridge existed and that Tigger was there to greet him. I told him you have to believe…that’s what keeps us going. As Paul was working, I decided that I wanted to make a few imprints of Toby’s paw, so he would be forever in our home. The recipe made 5 disks, and I did one imprint at a time, travelling from the kitchen to Toby, back and forth. I laid each finished cast of Toby’s paw on the stove top side by side. As I came in with the 5th paw print I looked over to the stove and what I saw made my heart skip a beat. I started crying uncontrollably. Streaking across the 4 completed paw prints was a rainbow, which was being cast by some sort of “prism effect” through our window. For those who do not believe…here is your sign. I stood there in silence for a few minutes, crying uncontrollably. Toby had told me that he had reached the Bridge and had been reunited with his brother Tigger. I believe that when our soul is released there is a transition period. This” miracle” told us that the process takes 45 minutes, because the rainbow crossed Toby’s paw prints exactly 45 minutes after he took his final breath. My camera was nearby, so I took pictures because I knew that the doubting Thomases would still not belive if they did not see it with their own eyes.  I met Paul as he was returning from his grim task and said to him that Toby was OK…we need not worry anymore and showed him the pictures. We cried together, tears of disbelief for what had happened, but also tears of joy knowing that our kids were together and would be waiting for us when the time came for our final reunion.  So for the droves of people out there that just aren’t sure if The Rainbow Bridge exists, please take this as a sign, and believe…….I BELIEVE.








RIP sweet Toby & Tigger….we will be reunited someday.

Carol Drysdale


Filed under Dog, dog owners, Dog Quotes, Dogs, Rainbow, Rainbow Bridge, Rainbow Bridget, Toby, Toby's Legacy

Only a dog!?

“This soldier, I realized, must have had friends at home and in his regiment; yet he lay there deserted by all except his dog. I looked on, unmoved, at battles which decided the future of nations. Tearless, I had given orders which brought death to thousands. Yet here I was stirred, profoundly stirred, stirred to tears. And by what? By the grief of one dog.”

Napoleon Bonaparte, on finding a dog beside the body of his dead master, licking his face and howling, on a moonlit field after a battle. Napoleon was haunted by this scene until his own death

Only a dog you say?  Well to me he is my:

  • comfort
  • my friend
  • my confidant
  • my master
  • my child
  • my blanket
  • laughter
  • love
  • tears
  • smiles
  • the ability to care for something more than myself
  • my reason for getting up
  • my depression medication
  • my soul
  • my exercise
  • I could go on.

I sat in a meeting today with many ladies from all levels of Management and since the person who was charing the meeting was a little late we decided to start talking.  What did we talk about….  Our Dogs. 

One discussed how she had “needled” her dog for the last eight years of his life because he had diabetes.

Another discussed that she could not discipline her dog because “she just could not bring her self to do it.”

Yet one more discussed how she had rescued her’s from a puppy mill and had dealt with four years of anxiety in her precious boy and is just now seeing a change.

The last beamed about how her dog loved to swim and how she lets him sleep on her bed and sit with her and her fiance on the couch.

These are women who run psychiatric units and or addiction units in the hospital.  I am sure they are pre-disposed to be caring.  Who would ever become a Nurse, therapist etc. without having that “gene” in there somewhere? 

But usually I shy away from talking about Brody at work with other than those who know just how in love with my Dog I am…  However today I found a new group of Friends!

LOL!!!!  You learn something every day dontcha?

OK gotta go home to my boy!

Have a good night!

Remember to you she was only a dog to her guardian she was a friend.

\”Only a Dog\” will never leave you lips again, once you read this book!\

Tell these Soldiers \”It\’s only a dog…!\”

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Filed under Dog, Dog Cries when soldier returns home, dog owners, Dog Quotes, Dogs, Napoleon Bonaparte, Psychology, Puppy, Puppy rescue mission, soldier, Soldiers

Describe a time when you stood up for what you believed in.

Thanks again to Plinky Prompts for this topic.Well, I am no shrinking violet.  I am very good at expressing my opinion to others.  I appreciate hearing their opinions.  I even appreciate a good debate on our differing opinions, but what I cannot stand is someone who cannot stop long enough to consider that even if they are not going to open their mind to change that there maybe, just maybe another way of seeing things.

I am not a believer in a higher power.  I will never tell someone who is that they are wrong.  I don’t expect to be told I am wrong either.  There has to be room for both.  I understand that when you live with in the rules of the church, synagogue, temple life is much simpler as you are judged every minute of the day by your ultimate judge.  When what is expected of you is laid out in front of you as “do this and you will go to heaven…” or “do that and you won’t…”  It’s very easy to be led.  That’s great for the people next door and if that gets them through the day that is all that counts.  There is no reason for me to argue, as long as they are open to the fact that I see thing differently.  They can turn around and say “Sheesh, she’s a little of kilter in her mind if you ask me….” as soon as we are done talking but they should respect my belief.  I am not saying that I am gonna run up and say “He, man you have a crucifix around your neck, lets duke it out over our difference of opinion.”  I am saying that if I am in a conversation I will speak my mind on this subject.

There aren’t may I won’t speak about, Mental Health debates with my Grandfather, are the best.  He is 83 and still believes that all who show signs of Mental Health issues should be locked away from the public and that is that.  He doesn’t understand that the men who came home from WW2 were suffering from PTSD, but they called it shell shock back then and well since they got up every morning and went to work, in his mind they weren’t crazy.  When I say “you don’t know if they woke up every night in a sweat, screaming hearing the battlefield in their dreams.”  He reminds me that I am “brainwashed by the do-gooders.”  Well, I try.

I will argue, debate, discuss, talk about many things, politics….  No I don’t hide my beliefs, we live in a democratic society, I have a choice and if I am going to make that choice I should be able to intelligently defend it.

HOWEVER…..  The one topic (and anyone who knows me, knows what this topic is…..) that I will literally lose friends over is Animals.  I cannot tolerate, any miss-treatment, mistreatment to me includes adopting and then neglecting, or taking back to the shelter as it’s too much trouble.  Or not giving that animal the best is deserves.  Or physically harming. 

I have walked up to people in the subway and told them to their face that they are not acting towards their dog as they should.  I shouted very loudly over crowd, so that a parent could hear (passive-agressively here) that I was getting to the point of taking a puppy away from their child that was hanging the puppy from its neck by its collar, in reaction to being told that she should sit down and hold the puppy’s leash instead of running around like the spoiled brat she was…  Oh ya…  spoiled brat might have actually come out of my mouth and well it might have been the loudest part of the speech. 

I don’t care.  I really don’t.  James gets mad.  Sometimes he abandons me like the time I stood outside of a car and waited for the owner to come back to tell him that I had called the police because he left the dog in the car with the windows closed. 

I can’t help myself and to tell you the truth I really don’t want to.  If I don’t do it who will.  They are mistreated, beaten, set on fire, dragged behind vehicles, left alone in the back-yard etc….. on a daily basis.  Someone has to be there for them. 

When I sleep next to my dog who has more than a lot of children have…  I wonder how he got so lucky?  Again it is just by the grace of….  Oooops that is another story!

LOL !!!! ; )  Have a good one.  Won’t wait so long between posts again!  Promise!

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Filed under adoption stories, Angel Animals Network, Animal Communication, Animal Rights, Animals, argue, Be kind to animals week, Best Friends Animal Sanctuary, Breeders, Brindi, Brody, Cat, Cesar Milan, comfort dog, debate, Dina Manzo, discuss, Dog, Dog City, Dog Fighting, dog first aid, dog owners, Dog Quotes, Dog Shows, Dog taken from owner, Dog Town, Dogs,, Grampa, Grandfather, James, Mental Health, Mental Health Issues, Mental Health week, opinions, PTSD, Religion, Shell Shock