Category Archives: Vacation

My Monday! It’s that time again! For me to talk about MMMMEEE!

So, here it is!  Monday!  I had four days off and got a lot done.  But it’s never, never, never long enough.  I don’t know, I would love to say I would like more but really, that old saying be careful what you wish for comes to mind right now.  There is a lot of stuff I have been holding in and there seem to be a lot of people upset or concerned about me.  I am fine.  There is a lot I would love to say, but hell I have learned my lesson.  How’s that!  With all that is going on at work and all that is going on between family and others….  I just want to have my little family; Jimmy James, Boogie Dog, Kiki Kitty and the Ali-Cat on an island and be us.  Do our thing, not worry about whether a cousin is spending too much, or an aunt is selling her house, or….  OMG!  I could go on and on!  But alas, it’s boring. 

So, here is a video for you.  It reminds me of my Dad and coming to our 10th Christmas without him and wallowing in my own sorrow of things.  I just wanted to hear it. 

That’s it today!  Short and sweet.

See you tomorrow for TV Tuesday!

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Filed under Alistair, Brody, Christmas, Connie, James, Little Donkey, My Monday, Vacation

Lets start the week-end off with something good!

A little diddy from my old crush!  Shaun Cassidy!

Now onto something that is sweeping the nation…  Toes!  Here are some pics of my last two pedis! 

   Opi — Poppy Red with multi-coloured butterfiles.

  Opi — Some kind of orange with Tiger stripes!  This caused some kind of sensation at work.  It’s $30.00 well spent, the only thing I spend money on for ME and only ME!

So it is the week-end!  What is everyone doing?  Me I ain’t so sure right now!  LOL!!! 

OK, I just found out that The Real Housewives of New York, New Jersey and Washington DC are coming to Slice in September as are Tori and Dean!  Woo Hoo!  God loves me! 

Also 19 Kids and Counting is starting again in Aug I think the 3rd….

So my fave blog pajama days finally announced that they got their new little puppy!  We have all been waiting since Chelsea passed on…  It has been a hard and long time for them but I know that what they learned from their dear girl will help them with this new little soul. 

We have after all this time planned our VACA!  I cannot wait!  Me, James, Brody for a week, just us!  No one else.  Water to swim in, TV to watch, books to read, no phone, no internet….  OMG wait, what about  my farm?  What if the PVR forgets to record something…. 

OMG!  I have issues!  No really I just want to get away just us, our little family!  Spending the time we need together that we don’t generally get as there are so many people in our lives that depend on us! 

I bough the new DVD by Body by Bethenny.  So as soon as it arrives I will start that and have something else to blog about.

As well I have recently gone back to Twitter.  I have to say I am loving it!  I have been connected with so many great sites! 

ALSO, I cannot tell you enough about my re-newed obsession with The Chapman Family.  No not the ice-cream Chapmans the DOG! Chapmans!  I want to be just like BETH!  No I am serious.  Actually if I could be a cross between Beth and Sharon Osbourne I would be VERY HAPPY!

OK that’s enough, for some reason this blog entry has been a pain in my bazooka joe! 

See ya soon!

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Filed under 18 Kids and Counting, 19 Kids and Counting, A&E, Bazooka Joe!, Beth Chapman, Bethenny Frankle, Body by Bethenny, Brody, butterflies, DOG! The Bounty Hunter, James, Opi nail polish, Pajama Days Blog, Pedicure, Sharon Osbourne, Shaun Cassidy, The Real Housewives Franchise, The Real Housewives of Atlanta, The Real Housewives of DC, The Real Housewives of New Jersey, The Real Housewives of NYC, The Real Housewives of the OC, tiger stripes, Toes, Tori and Dean, Vacation,

Five Days Off, Some Pics! Oh and Shhhhhhh! I Kissed a Girl and I Liked it!

Funny post about a cat and a sewing machine!

Story about something you would not believe unless you saw it with your own eyes.  Do you have a story like that?  Share it with us! 

Try some stories from here…..  I have a story publised in one of their books!

So a great week-end was had.  Canada Day came and went seeing me in Ajax with my sister and a very good (old) friend at the new farmer’s market then eating a panzo that was created originally for the Giant in Jack and the Beanstock.  You should try it, good prices, the people are great and the food well….  Let’s just say I was eating the panzo for four days!  Pizza Pino\’s.   After that my Sister, James and his cousin went to Ontario Place for the Fireworks.

Friday, James and I went for a little drive, had an arguement about me not wanting to go to Standard Auto Wreckers on my day off and him not wanting to see Eclipse on his day off. So we went to Wal-Mart where he bough himself a 32G card for his new video camera and made himself so happy that we saw Eclipse!  However I fell asleep.   Saturday he worked and I lolled around in my pjs with the dog, then we drove his Mom to Woodstock so she can stay with a friend for the week.  

Sunday he worked again and I went grocery shopping, did laundry, cleaned, played with the dog and lolled until I went and met him at work and we drove to Niagara Falls to see the Yankee Fireworkes.  We stopped at the flying sauser for dinner, caught a car show in the No Frills Parking lot and then headed down to check it all out. 

I was still off yesterday (Monday!)  So I really lolled around.  Took the dog out in the garden, spent a good part of the afternoon watching Extreme Forensics, napped, ate, went back in the garden, was awakened by James calling to say he was coming home three hours early ’cause there was a power failure.  Hmmm.  I like days like that!  All in all I had a good mini vaca and I think I am gonna take more like it!  It’s been a long time since I have been off and well it is hard to get time with James as he workes week-ends and shifts!  So, maybe some time with just me and the Brodster this summer.  

Ahh fill the dolphin pool take my book outside and just be!  There are probably three more months of sitting in the garden weather left.  So I better make the most of it!  It seemed to be way too hot for the cats this week-end, they spent most of it under the bed.  

Anyway, happy days ahead!  Talk to you soon.  Ps, this was the girl who kissed me in Niagara at the car show.  Remember what happens in Niagara, stays in Niagara.

and a car from the car show! 

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Filed under 4th of July, Angel Animals Network, Animal Communication, Animal Rights, Bathing a cat, Brody, Canada, Canada Day, Car Show, Cat, Dolphin Pool, Eclipse, Extreme Forensics, Farmer's Market, fireworks, Flying Saucer Restaurant, Friend, Giant, Jack and the Bean Stalk, James, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Ontario Place, Pajama Days Blog, Pizza Pino's, Sister, Standard Auto Wreckers, Vacation